Thursday 12 June 2008

Queridos morosos

Agora que temos unha acusada tendencia a mostrar un certo malhumor cando vemos que hai bastantes moros@s que NON DEVOLVEN OS LIBROS A TEMPO...E NON SÓ ALUMNOS E ALUMNAS, QUE QUEDE CLARO...
Coa incerta esperanza de que vos animedes antes de que rematen as clases, e a ameaza inminente de persecución incansable se non o facedes. A todos e todas vós nestas datas de exames e esgotamento final. je,je,je...
Chéganos video vía Librosfera
I want to be a librarian
i want to check out your books
please give them to me
with the bar code facing up
please don't bring them back too late
or i'll have to charge you 30 cents a day

(i won't like that)
i want to be a librarian
wearing glasses every single day
don't you find me appealing
in a nerdy sort of way?
please don't talk so loudly
please, please
meet me in the closed reserve
i'll let you read all the new magazines
i'll let you touch the first editions
if you promise me
if you promise me
if you promise me
your hands are clean.


Biblioteca Escolar CPI San Vicente said...

Fantástico o video e o son deste grupo descoñecido!
Un marabilloso descubrimento.

MESTURAS said...

Sí, é verdade, está moi ben o morbo dos zapatos e as gafas das bibliotecarias asasinas de rapaces ¿inocentes?...

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