Sunday, 11 March 2012

Chabolas, fogares

Un billón de habitantes do planeta vive en chabolas, un número que probablemente quede duplicado en 2030. As características destas vivendas ofrecen unha gran variedade pero comparten unha característica común: están habitadas polos máis pobres e os socialmente excluidos.  Van desde instalacións moi fráxiles e precarias a outras máis permanentes e moito mellor mantidas pero adoitan carecer de auga corrente, electricidade e servizos sanitarios.

Todas as imaxes estan tomadas da reportaxe fotográfica que atopamos en The Big Pîcture.  Fixemos unha escolma de fotos pero se visitades a páxina podedes ver o documento completo. Tamén mantemos os pés de foto e a autoría das imaxes tal e como aparecen no documento orixinal.

Antes das devanditas imaxes podedes ver un documento sobre as barracas do Somorrostro  en Barcelona e unha curiosa reportaxe protagonizado por unha muller que volve ao lugar que habitou de nena hai máis de 20 anos.



Cambodian woman sits near her baby as residents are evicted from a slum village in the centre of Phnom Penh, Jan. 4, 2012. (Tang Chhin Sothy/AFP/Getty Images) #


A Cambodian woman salvages some belongings after the forced eviction of residents from a slum village, Jan. 4, 2012. (Tang Chhin Sothy/AFP/Getty Images) #

Afghan refugee children stand at the main gate of their muddy house at a slum on the outskirts of Islamabad, Jan. 4, 2012. (Anjum Naveed/Associated Press) #
Pakistani boys compete in a wheelbarrow race at a slum on the outskirts of Islamabad, Jan. 3, 2012. (Anjum Naveed/Associated Press) #

Two Afghan refugee girls and a boy make their way through a muddy alley, following a rainy night, in a slum on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan, Jan. 16, 2012. (Muhammed Muheisen/Associated Press) #

An Afghan refugee girl stands in a muddy alley, following a rainy night, Jan. 16, 2012. (Muhammed Muheisen/Associated Press) #
A Pakistani family gathers round a fire inside a shanty, to warm themselves during a cold evening, in a slum in Islamabad, Pakistan, Jan. 13, 2012. (Muhammed Muheisen/Associated Press) #
A Pakistani woman washes clothes outside her house in the slum area of Lahore, Jan. 8, 2012.  (Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images) #
An Afghan refugee boy, Hikmat Agha, 4, waits to start his daily class, to learn how to recite verses from the Quran, in a mosque in a slum on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan, Jan. 18, 2012. (Muhammed Muheisen/Associated Press) #
Afghan refugee girls attend a daily class to learn how to recite verses from the Quran, in a mosque in a slum on the outskirts of Islamabad, Jan. 18, 2012. (Muhammed Muheisen/Associated Press) #
Slum dwellers search for their belongings through the debris after a fire in Kolkata, India, Jan. 23, 2012. (Bikas Das/Associated Press) #
An Indian woman sleeps outdoors in a shanty area in Hyderabad, India, Jan. 11, 2012. India has about 93 million slum dwellers. (Mahesh Kumar A./Associated Press) #
An Indian bride, who is a pavement dweller, waits for her wedding ceremony, which will be performed on a street in Mumbai, Jan. 11, 2012. (Rafiq Maqbool/Associated Press) #
A child is administered polio drops at a slum by a mobile unit during an anti-polio drive in New Delhi, Jan. 15, 2012. (Saurabh Das/Associated Press) #
Mohammed Shamim Sheikh, who suffers from multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, listens to a social worker at his home in a slum on the outskirts of Mumbai, Jan. 16, 2012. (Rafiq Maqbool/Associated Press) #
An elevated view of the Indian national flag on a wall of the Dharavi slum, Jan. 24, 2012. (Rafiq Maqbool/Associated Press) #
Residents of the Pinheirinho slum stand ready to defend their neighborhood from police they expect to arrive with a court order to evict them from their homes, in Sao Jose dos Campos, 50 miles (80 kms) northeast of Sao Paulo, Jan. 13, 2012. (Marcelo Alves/Reuters)
A woman walks past a grain shop at a market in the Kibera slum of the Kenyan capital Nairobi, Jan. 20, 201.  (Noor Khamis/Reuters) # 
Sisters Benedicta Macole and Susana Ritope Macole, survey twisted scraps of metal roofing, all that remains of the house where they grew up, after a fire ravaged part the New Building slum neighborhood, Jan. 24, 2012. (Rebecca Blackwell/Associated Press) #
Local residents crowd around a fire truck in the main street of the New Building slum neighborhood, where a fire ravaged dozens of homes, Jan. 23, 2012. (Rebecca Blackwell/Associated Press) #

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